StarKeys-vMFD open alpha has been released to the public

StarKeys-vMFD is a virtual game controller for a tablet or smart phone, or even PC/laptop/chromebook. The alpha includes a gaming client panel for StarCitizen and Elite Dangerous. It's not like some others that have a highly immersive client out of the gate. Instead it's kept simple for testing, but StarKeys-vMFD stands out as its fully customizable and intended to let the community build their own custom game panels, and share them easily with the rest of the community. Therefore, it's capable of those crazy immersive panels if you want them (and its easy to do) but I've found I don't personally like jumping to several panels to get to a button. I like one panel that's got everything on it, so in this alpha my first panel for SC is 25 keys (5 rows by 5 columns), but still manages to fit nicely on most devices. It has all the main things I want, but is easily adapted if you have your own needs.

Thanks everyone, and I look forward to hearing from you on the discord, and seeing you "Around the Verse"

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